Crushing Rework

Rework is the enemy of speed!

Are you tired of working nights and weekends to hit seemingly impossible deadlines? Do you believe your project is 90% done and then remain at 90% done as you find yourself knee deep in defects? Are late projects and excessive rework the norm? Is more time spent in rework than innovation and value creation?  If so, you’re not alone! Thousands of organizations, just like you, struggle with rework as it sucks the joy out of engineering.

There is a better way…an exceptional way

At Exceptional Difference, we’re committed to empowering elite engineers, teams, and leaders to manage rework and reclaim the joy of engineering.  Our Crushing Rework offerings include comprehensive consulting and experiential learning, which includes talks, tools, workshops, and experiences.  These offerings help you understand the relationship between speed, quality, and value, your cost of quality, the impact of rework (both financial and effort), and the power tools of quality. From there, we will help you identify strategies to reduce and prevent rework.  We will help you reclaim ownership of your speed to value and foster a culture that crushes rework for good! 


Exceptional Difference Offerings

Talks and Tools

Talks such as Streamlining Success: Rework Reduction, and others will help you gain an understanding of rework, its relationship to quality, and how it is impacting your daily life. Any of our talks can be brought to your organization and customized to your audience. We also have the book, Lead With Speed, which was written by Exceptional Difference’s award-winning author, Alan Willett.


 Crushing Rework Experience (CRE) is a transformational and immersive experience that leverages readings, dialogs, labs, mentoring, and on-the-job application as it enables the cohort to learn and retain the information as they apply it to their organization.  CRE covers all topics addressed in the workshops plus more!  You will improve quality, improve your bottom line, and dramatically learn how to reduce rework as you embrace the mindset and toolsets for success.

If your budget or time constraints requirr an abbreviated version of CRE, we suggest either Crushing Rework Boot Camp (CRBC) or Crushing Rework Deep Dive (CRDD).



Our series of workshops will help you master the landscape, tools, metrics, and foundational elements required to forge a culture of exceptional quality.

Optimizing Economics: Speed, Value, Quality, and the Bottom Line – understand the interrelationship of speed, value and quality as you calculate the costs of failure versus the cost of early detection and removal of defects
Power Tools: Systematically Crushing Rework – leverage the power tools of quality
Data Driven Quality: Navigating the Journey – use data to measure and improve costs, quality, and rework
Quality Culture: Building the Foundation – implement a culture of exceptional quality

Comprehensive Consulting

We have worked with thousands of engineers across both the public and private sector to master the mindsets of quality.  By working closely with your leaders and engineers, we understand how quality and rework impact your top talent and best customers.  We work with you to examine your economics of quality, calculate the cost and ROI of improvement, and help you customize your approach to using the power tools of quality to crush rework in your environment forever.

Exceptional Engineering Experience

An exclusive program that enables leaders and engineers to master the X-Factors of Commitment, Quality, Value, and Culture. 


Quality Deep Dive

Gain a deep understanding of quality management for high-tech systems development and an action plan to successfully implement them for immediate impact. 


Technical Debt Deep Dive

This is an immersive and highly collaborative workshop and training experience for elite engineers and team leaders looking to tame  technical debt within their organization for good.