Who We Work With

We work with engineers and leaders to dramatically improve their culture and the quality of the solutions they deliver.

Hear From Participants

Does this ring a bell with you?

If so, you’re not alone, and we can help.

For Leaders

Are you ever frustrated by the collapse of your best-laid plans?

Would your daily stand-up sound like a comedy routine if it weren’t so sad?

Do you constantly feel the pressure from both ends of the organization?

Do you walk on eggshells around the team, careful not to set off a ticking time bomb?

Does it feel like you’re holding the team together with scotch tape and bubble gum?

Do you see the occasional glimmer of hope when things go just right and you deliver something pretty cool?

Does it feel like you will never get out from under your technical debt?

Are you squeezed between holding the team accountable and keeping them from quitting?

Do you feel that the team is lacking the necessary soft skills?

Are you jaded to all the prior improvement efforts that resulted in only marginal changes?

Does your gut tell you there has to be a better way?

For Elite Engineers

Do you sometimes feel that delivery deadlines are arbitrary?

Does it feel like you are always working from behind?

Do you spend waaaaay too much time reworking code and not enough designing new features?

With your last product launch, did you feel more pride or worry?

Do you feel like you could achieve much more if you didn’t have to clean up others’ messes?

Have you thought about quitting, but figure it’s all the same chaos no matter where you’d go?

Do you lack the time to think, design, and create?

Does it feel like Groundhog Day with each project, different team, same problems?

Does your work impact your personal life in a negative way?

Does your gut tell you there has to be a better way?

No matter your role on the team, we can help.

A few of the clients we have had the privilege to partner with

Our Participants Tell the Story Best...

Emilia Vanderwerf, Senior Engineer

Emilia's work has ranged from robotics to Windows kernel drivers and addressing critical issues like human trafficking. She joined the Exceptional Engineer program looking for a better way to maintain a her work-life balance. Through the program, Emilia learned she could have a great work-life balance, while meeting deadlines AND improving quality at the same time.

Dylan Greiner, Tech Lead

Not only did Tech Lead Dylan Greiner enjoy significant improvements in his team’s operations and software quality, but he learned and implemented valuable systems that he could apply to his own personal growth. He says the Impact on his job was immediate and substantial.

Seemin Suleri, VP of Engineering

As Seemin moved up from team lead to the head of her department, she desired better control over the “overwhelm” she experienced. In working with Exceptional Difference, her entire team was able to put effective systems and processes in place for delivering their projects while improving their overall performance. One unexpected benefit was the coaching around soft skills for the management team.