by David VanEpps | Blog, The Dev Team, The Engineer
“Success is measured by the value we deliver. When we coach and mentor engineers and leaders to relentlessly focus on value—by knowing more, caring more, and doing more to meet customer needs—we are on the right track.” ~Alan Willett, Chief Engineer...
by Alan Willett | Executive Leadership, The Dev Team, The Engineer
Pat, a director of a team of software developers, cried out with dismay. “What do you mean that technical debt is strangling me more than I know?” Pat had already laid out all the reasons technical debt was a bane to the entire organization’s existence. Here is Pat’s...
by Alan Willett | Executive Leadership, The Dev Team, The Enterprise
“Passion is energy. Feel the power that comes from focusing on what excites you.” Oprah Winfrey Recently, I witnessed two different ways to handle the same challenge. I attended two meetings. The goal of each meeting was to choose a way forward that would affect many...
by Alan Willett | The Dev Team, The Engineer
“You’ll find I’m full of surprises.“ Luke Skywalker Despite how much we complain, there is a joy to working on urgent items. They give us a ready excuse for not working on the hard things. We might shout, “Oh, I can’t work on the crucial long-term work. This crisis...
by Alan Willett | The Dev Team, The Engineer
“I have learned all kinds of things from my many mistakes. The one thing I never learn is to stop making them.” Joe Abercrombie About 23 years ago, I did a course in software development where I tracked every mistake I made. It was shocking and disheartening. I made...
by Alan Willett | The Dev Team, The Engineer
“I’ve had a lot of worries in my life, most of which never happened.” Mark Twain Last night, it snowed about 7 inches. The snow was not a surprise, and we were prepared. I was out at daybreak, clearing pathways for all to enjoy. I have always appreciated the Mark...