Spring Clean Your Leadership Tool Kit

by Julia Mullaney

“Outer order contributes to inner calm.“

Gretchen Ruen

We are almost two weeks into Spring in the northern hemisphere. For many, this is the traditional time for household spring cleaning.

It is also a good idea to periodically clean up your leadership toolkit.  Here are four fun ideas for your leadership spring cleaning.

1. Power up your delegation abilities. Took a moment and think about when delegation works for you and when it falls a bit short. What is the difference? Make delegation a conscious choice. Check out this previous blog If Delegation isn’t Working, Consider Newton’s Laws for more details.

2. Check the fun meter. Are you having fun?  Are those you are leading having fun? Remember the journey is an adventure. Remind yourself and others that setbacks are part of the adventure. Check out this blog Lead the Journey, Not Just the Project for more details.

3. Tighten up your collaboration engine. We are more productive when we trust those collaborating with us. Check on the relationships. Tighten them up. The blog Building a Bridge Over Troubled Waters Takes Collaboration of Sponsors and Teams has more points for that.  

4. Hold your goals high. Refresh your goals – especially the big “why” behind the goals. Valuable goals you believe in help pull everyone forward. The blog Clearly Visible Goals Ensure No One Gets Lost is an especially fun reminder.

We all have more tools in our leadership toolkit than we often remember. Take the time to periodically take a breath and remember to keep them shiny. 

Yours in the calm pursuit of excellence,

Alan Willett