100+ Questions

This guide is for executives who wish to lead their software development organizations through the chaos of the wild to their highest potential.

Project teams should build smart, aggressive plans that enable them to make commitments to their management and ultimately their customers. A smart plan is one that is well thought out to provide the quickest, high-value option possible. The “quickest” refers to the design approach. Being quick should always be paired with commitments the team can keep, or even exceed.

We have found over and over again teams build plans and deliver results based on the questions that leaders ask. Building smart plans quickly with low effort requires leadership to ask the questions that drive the kind of results you want. In other words, this book of questions was created to set and reinforce expectations of excellence in the teams that build your products.

The questions are overlapping on purpose. Vary the questions and keep your teams thinking. For any project plan review, please add your own situational awareness and judgment and customize/eliminate questions for your situation. Once you hit submit you'll be taken directly to the download page.

100+ Questions download form

A few of the clients we have had the privilege to partner with: